Author Archives: Jennifer K

How to Make Money By Blogging

You’ve Googled it, you’ve read about it, you’re interested in it…but you just don’t know how to make money by blogging. Hopefully you at least know WHAT a blog is. :) According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary online ( the definition of a blog is “a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer”.

So How DO You Make Money By Blogging?

Well, let’s think about this for a minute. If the definition of a blog is …”an online personal journal with reflections…and hyperlinks…” then logically, a blog can be about anything you want to write about, and your links can be pointing to anywhere you want them to point.

Hint: Affiliate links – if someone clicks on your link and they buy the product through your link, you make a commission on the sale of that product. It’s easy to sign up for affiliate accounts. There are so many programs to choose from.  Some of the most popular are Ebay, Amazon, Clickbank, and Commission Junction.

  • Write about dogs, and put affiliate links on your website to dog products
  • Write about birds, and put affiliate links on your website promoting bird products
  • Write about weddings, and put affiliate links  on your website promoting wedding products

Are you getting the idea yet? Pick something that you are passionate about and want to write about. Create a blog based on that concept, and then go to town. Also, it’s a good idea to check out other blogs about your topic. It will give you some ideas on how you want your site to look, and what your competition is doing. The purpose is not re-invent the wheel here, but to do what is already proven to work.

Another method of monetizing your blog is adding advertising space. You can sell advertising space on your blog to other website owners, charging them monthly, or a one time fee. This method works well for a blog that has a lot of traffic. People don’t want to spend advertising dollars that aren’t going to bring them much results. You can also add Google Adsense or other click through advertising on your blog. (Here’s a previous post I wrote that will help explain what Adsense is and how it works: How to Make Money From Google – What’s the Deal?

If you’re just starting out, I recommend not spending a lot of money on your blog. You can start a blog for free with Until you know if it’s something you want to continue doing, why not play it safe? When you start making money with your blog THEN you can invest in more advanced blogging techniques. Down the road, you’ll definitely want to buy your own domain name, get your own hosting, and have complete control over your site. But for now, start blogging for free to get your feet wet.

You may want to read this post as well, to give you some more insight on how to make money from blogging 2013. (You know, you want to make sure you stay up to date with the newest trends and stuff!)

Once you’ve put up your blog, the most important thing to remember is to add content frequently. This means you should add new posts at the frequency level of 1 a day for the first 2 weeks. After that, you can slow down the posts a bit, but don’t ever stop. Posting at least once or twice a week after that should be good. You want the search engines to know that you’re site is always adding fresh content. They love that. Stale and old content is the best way for the search engines to forget you.

After your blog is set and your adding content to it and it’s been monetized, unfortunately that’s not the only thing you need to do. The next step is to generate traffic to your site. You can pay for advertising (that will be an entirely different post) but I don’t recommend it if you’re just starting out.

The best way to get traffic to your site is from the search engines. It’s free traffic, and who doesn’t like free?  In order to get the search engines to notice your site, there are certain things and criteria they look for. (Posting frequently is definitely one of them.) You want to make sure your site is optimized for the search engines. Make sure you have the correct keywords and your site is user friendly.

You Must Create Backlinks to Your Site

A backlink is a link from another website that points to your site. An example of a backlink is the link at the beginning of this post. I put the link to Merriam’s Dictionary. I gave them a backlink.  Make sense?

Backlinks are important because not only do they give you traffic to your site (I wonder how many of you actually clicked that link), but they also add an authority value to your site, thus giving the search engines reason to rank your site well.

If you really want to learn how to make money by blogging, here are 2 free reports you can download that have some incredible information in them. They are currently free (even though they could be charged for) and you’ll find valuable information in them that you probably won’t come across doing searches. :)


How to Make Money From Blogging 2013

You’ve heard it, no doubt. Make money from home by blogging your way to riches, right? Well…yeah, but is it really that simple? Start a blog, monetize it, and then watch the money roll in! Wrong. Unfortunately that all sounds good on paper, but it doesn’t roll like that.

The internet has been around for years and it’s evolved so much it’s unrecognizable from the earlier days. Everything has changed, and that goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway) everything will continue to change. What used to work then does not work now.

How to Make Money From Blogging 2013

Some things will always be constant. You will always be able to make a blog, monetize it, and make money from it. It’s the methods and the ways you do it that will change. People aren’t as willing to click on ads anymore when they see them. We’re getting smarter. It’s most likely because the epidemic of overwhelming pop up ads in the beginning days made us immune to seeing them or clicking on them. Too much of a good thing always ends up being a bad thing.

So how do you do it?

What Will Make or Break Your Blog – Keyword Research
If you already have a blog, or you’re thinking about starting one, the first thing you want to do is make sure it’s actually something people are searching for information on, or have an interest in. You do this by conducting “keyword research”. I’ve found the best way to do this is using the Google Keyword Tool (this is free). The URL for it is changing quite a bit, so just do a quick Google search and it should pop right up for you.

Once you’ve entered your keyword ideas and filled out the captcha form, Google will give you a massive list of keywords you can chose from. Make sure that you check the “Exact” box instead of broad or phrase. This will give you the exact number of searches for that keyword. (You can find these boxes on the left of your screen.) You want to make sure that you’re keyword has at least 5,000 searches locally. You can obviously tweak this to your own judgement, but anything less than 5,000 seems to be harder to make money with.

When you find a good keyword you’re interested in, the next thing is to check the competition. I do this by going back to Google search, and I type in the keyword in quotes. I do it in quotes because this will give me an accurate number of websites that are targeting that specific keyword with they keyword in the title. When I click search, right underneath the search bar, Google shows me the number of websites targeting that keyword. You want to keep your competition under 20,000. If you find a keyword that matches both criteria (at least 5,000 local searches and less than 20,000 competition, you’ve found a good one.)

Keyword research is probably the most frustrating part of making money online from blogging. It takes a while, and sometimes when you think you’ve found a good targeted keyword, you’re let down because there’s too much competition, or too little traffic. Without good research though, you WILL FAIL. Make sure you have a plan, and you go after specific words. Do not just throw up a website or page or post and hope for the best. A man without a plan plans to fail.

Okay, So After Keyword Research, What’s Next?

Now you’ve got a good idea, good keywords to target, what’s next? The next step is making sure your blog is optimized for the search engines. This is known as SEO (search engine optimization.) You can read a LOT about this online, but the key to SEO is really knowing that it is CONSTANTLY changing. The search engines are changing their algorithms so much, there is not one way to teach you how to do it. Like I said in the beginning, back in the day it was easy to dominate the internet.

The search engines today have focused on making the internet more user friendly, which is what we ALL want. Remember searching for something, and you thought you found a great website that would give you what you were looking for, and when you clicked on the link it turned out to be nothing but spammy garbage? People made a LOT of money that way, but as users, it was an extremely terrible experience.

The best thing to do is focus on user experience. Make sure your blog is made for your readers.  Add social bookmarking tools so they can share your articles with other people. The search engines KNOW when you’ve put up crappy content. Trust me. Give your readers what they want, make it easy for them to share your content, and add new content frequently.

Monetizing Your Blog 

You can do this so many different ways. You can use Google Adsense (here’s a previous post I wrote on how to make money from google), you can sign up for various affiliate programs, or you can sell your own product.

The key thing to remember here is offering your visitors products that they will actually use or find helpful. Don’t offer them junk. Your readers will never come back, and if you lose repeat visitors, it’s like losing repeat customers on a traditional brick and mortar business.

Treat your blog as a business – not just a hobby. It IS your business.You will see a huge increase in sales when you start blogging for business rather than hobby.

If you really want to learn how to make money from blogging in the year 2013, here are 2 free reports you can download that have some incredible information in them. They are currently free (even though they could be charged for) and you’ll find valuable information in them that you probably won’t come across doing searches. :)

How to Make Money From Blogging 2013

Other recent posts you may enjoy:

Using Blogging and Content Sites to Make Money

Authority ROI Review

Making money online takes a lot of time and patience, and let’s face it…knowledge. You don’t have to have a degree, but you DO need to know some stuff. A blog or a website doesn’t set up on it’s own. YOU have to do it. You also need to know HOW to do it, and how to monetize it, and how to get traffic to it…you just need to know some stuff.

What is Authority ROI?

AuthorityROI is by far without a doubt simply the fastest path to creating a top authority site in any niche.  AuthorityROI is a proven formula and method that has been used by Ryan Deiss (a top internet marketer) to create over a dozen top ranking authority sites, and he built them without being “the guru”.  This course will lay bare the exact process that he used to identify and dominate massively profitable niche properties (blogs). And it’s 8x more profitable than any form of blogging currently taught. 

Authority ROI is a complete training course teaching you how to make profitable sites from the ground up, step 1, step 2, step 3, etc. It doesn’t leave anything out. Blogging isn’t what it used to be anymore, not since the updates Google has done, and not since the internet has evolved so much over the years. Sure, in the past the techniques for blogging that were taught USED to work but today, so many things have changed they just don’t work anymore. Authority ROI teaches the newest and best method on how to make money from blogging in TODAY’S internet world.

No matter what changes on the internet, the fact that you CAN make money will NEVER change. People will always be searching online for things they want or need, and people will ALWAYS buy online. It’s just a matter of you getting in front of them to make some of those sales. Methods may change, but money can always be made.

How Do You Make Money Online Blogging?

It’s a simple idea really. You make a website or blog, add content, monetize it, drive traffic to it, and then make sales. The idea is amazingly simple. However, executing it is not always so easy. It takes an amount of knowing exactly what you’re doing to make money. You can’t just set up a website and think it’s going to make you money. There’s a formula you have to follow, and it has to be search engine friendly and user friendly (so that search engines will rank you and bring you traffic, and so that when you DO get traffic, that traffic CONVERTS into sales.)

Search engines love content, so if you’ve ever heard “it’s all on autopilot!” it’s most likely not true. You can’t set up a website and forget it and expect to continue to get traffic to it. You have to continue to add content to it so you don’t lose your rankings with the search engines.

Authority ROI teaches you how to do everything – from creating the site to driving traffic to it. It’s a full training course on how to  make money online in today’s internet.  I’ll have more information on the training as it becomes available to me. It will be available online March 24th, 2013. I will of course do a full Authority ROI review, and most likely offer an Authority ROI bonus.

Free Reports You Will Definitely Find Worth the Read:


How To Make Money From Google – What’s The Deal?

Okay. So you’ve been online for a while, you see so many websites, ads, posts, pages…you name it you’ve seen it…on how you can “make money from Google”. So what’s the deal? Can you really make money from the big G, and if so, HOW do you do it?

How To Make Money From Google

There are literally a THOUSAND ways to make money online, and to tell you there is one way to do it is just flat out lie. It takes a lot of trial and error to figure out how/what/when/why it all works the way it does. However, there is a way to make money from Google that is completely straightforward. It’s called Adsense.  You may see websites claiming you can “siphon money from Google” or some other hyped up nonsense. I’m here to tell you – don’t fall into that pit. You’re not siphoning anything, and you’re not “stealing” anything from anyone.

The fact of the matter is Google is a search engine whose morals and values fall into the eyes of their customers – the users. Google’s primary goal is to achieve optimal user experience. In layman’s terms, Google just wants to make sure you and I and anyone else uses Google’s products are satisfied. Easy enough?

You actually CAN make money from Google, and the big G actually WANTS you to. Here’s how:

  • You make a website or blog
  • Sign up with Google Adsense, and then put some ads on your site
  • When people visit your site and if they click on the ads, Google pays you.

I realize I dumbed it down a bit, and I hope you realize that it’s really not as easy as that. Simple? Yes. Easy? No. There is absolutely a tremendous amount of work involved and rules you have to follow. The policies of Adsense must be strictly followed or else your account could be disabled. It doesn’t take a genius to know that if you’re account is disabled you can’t make money.   Cause and effect.

What is Adsense?

Okay so now you know HOW to make money from Google. Now I’m going to tell you WHY you can make money from Google.

Have you ever used Google’s search engine? When you’re looking for something in particular on the internet you can type in a search term or phrase, and then the search engine will kick back a list of all the different sites that search engine thinks is related to your search query.

Google has another product, called Google Adwords. This is for advertisers. People who want to advertise their sites or products on the internet can create an Adwords account and create advertising campaigns. Here’s an example (everything to the right are ads users have paid for):

how to make money from google


Google Adwords is for people paying for advertising. Google Adsense is for people putting that advertising on their own sites. Google obviously doesn’t give you all the money from it. They run the ads and the platform for it all, and we allow an additional advertising space. Google pays us for that each time someone clicks on the ads. It’s certainly not a lot money, but if you have thousands of visitors come to your site, and a couple hundred click on those ads and you make .25 per click, that can add up. You could be making $5 a day. Sure, $5 a day isn’t much. But it’s definitely something. Drum that up a bit, create another blog, or drive more traffic to your site, you could up that to $10 a day…are you seeing how this could work?

It takes a LOT of work and a lot of time and patience to make money online. The most important thing is to not give up. Nobody will EVER make millions of dollars overnight, and if they told you they did, they’re lying. It takes work and dedication. And patience. Did I say that already?

So there you have it. That is (at least one way) how to make money from Google. Now you know. :)

If you have any questions or anything is unclear, or you would like to add to this post, please comment below. I welcome all communication!

How To Develop Android Apps – The Easy Way and The Hard Way

Developing android apps can be extremely exhausting but yet also extremely satisfying. There is something about creating something and watching it blossom from an idea into a reality. Android app development definitely has the potential for that.

How To Develop Android Apps – The Easy Way and The Hard Way

You can develop phone applications in essentially 2 ways – the easy way and the hard way. The hard way consists of knowing java code, programming skills, a vast knowledge of the different programming language…when I say hard way, it really means the LONG way. If you don’t have any technical skills or know-how, of course it can still be done. You will spend hours learning what you need to know and how to do it. Anything is possible, I am sure of that. You can teach yourself (with the help of the internet, your local library, etc) how to do just about anything.

You just have to jump in and try it. Developing an android app takes time and patience, and dedication. It will take a lot of trial and error on your part. Can you do it? Of course you can.

How To Develop Android Apps – The Hard Way

The first thing you need to do is download and install Eclipse and the Android SDK. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this by doing a quick Google search.

Once you have all software downloaded and installed, next comes the fun part. Only…it’s not always so much fun. Before you can get started creating the most amazing app, there are a thousand (not really a thousand, but you get my point) tutorials you should read so you understand exactly how the process works and what you must do. You can read these tutorials in Eclipse (which is HIGHLY recommended so you know how to operate the software) and you can also read tutorials on the Android Developer page. The more you know, the more you’ll be able to be successful with your trial and errors.

After you have finally created your app, the next part is to test it. Test it to the point that when you think you have exhausted all testing, test some more. It’s always the little things that tend to get in the way of perfection, and things you would never think about show their face.

I’m very aware that the hard way isn’t very detailed for you. That’s exactly my point…it IS hard when you don’t have any technical skills or background in programming to build apps from scratch.

How To Develop Android Apps – The Easy Way

Ahhh….this is more my style. And possibly yours too, if you really want to know how to develop android apps and pump out money making apps quickly and efficiently. The hard way is definitely not too efficient. Is it satisfying? Yes. Is it working smarter not harder? Ummmm…..No.

You can develop an android app using an app creation software. THIS is what I’m talking about. It takes the guesswork out of the programming (no programming skills required), you can create an app in about 12 minutes, and you can monetize it. It puts the EASY in the easy way.

The Green App Machine Software allows you to build your very own apps without needing any of the technical knowledge or skills that put the HARD in the hard way.

The Green App Machine Software is available by >>CLICKING HERE<<. If you’ve ever had an interest in learning how to develop android apps, this software may be exactly your ticket to doing just that.

Just remember…work smarter, not harder. :)

Android App Development – So You Want to Make Phone Applications?

The year is 2013, and over 50% of Americans have a smartphone. On average, each smartphone runs about 41 apps. You don’t have to be a mathematical genius to know that those numbers mean a huge market. Huge markets mean huge potential for making money. Android app development has just started to become one of the biggest money making industries in the world.

So You Want to Make Phone Applications?
Android app development takes a certain level of skills and education (or knowledge at the least). A great amount of programming and coding is needed, as well as understanding the different software’s and languages required for android app development.

To make phone applications you need 3 things:

  • Eclipse (or something similar- I like eclipse. It’s a free download. Just Google it.)
  • A computer
  • A great deal of patience

I myself have tried to make phone applications from the ground up, and I ran into many frustrations. I have no programming experience, no knowledge whatsoever. I was just really interested in it. Setting up the software and getting my computer ready for android development was probably the most frustrating. There were so many steps involved,  and for a complete newbie, the lingo was just too much for me to understand why things weren’t going well.  I couldn’t figure out HOW to fix it.

I eventually did though. :) Google really is an awesome resource to have in this day in age.

I began building my first app. Things looked like they were finally going to go smooth, until I ran into yet another road block. I spent HOURS trying to make it work, figure it out, fix what was broken…I finally got frustrated so bad that I decided to take a break from the whole app building process, because it made me feel stupider than a school girl trying to catch a football. And I DON’T like feeling stupid. So needless to say, my phone application and android development project from scratch is sitting on the back burner for a while until I can gather enough mojo to tackle it again.

The Green App Machine Software

Android App Development

There is good news though.You don’t NEED programming skills, or coding expertise, or Eclipse…you could simply use a software that does it all for you. There’s no reason to waste your time and efforts with frustrating mistakes when you could create an app with a few steps, in as little as 12 minutes. You should spend a little more time on it than that though…obviously the more time you put into something, the better the outcome. :)

You can check out the Green App Machine Software right here: >>GET MORE INFO

I’ve also written a review on the software. You can read my review  should you be interested. If you’re serious about wanting to make apps, why not take the easier way? I know from experience that app creation is a pain in the a**. Work smarter not harder, right?

Making money with apps is rising quickly, and getting in now could be the smartest thing you’ve ever done. Just sayin’. :)

Make Phone Applications
Green App Machine Reviews